The truth behind the perks
Well, after all the brouhaha about the alleged outing of alleged former CIA operative Valerie Plame, the media has exposed a true secret defender of America's security: Consumer Product Safety Commission Chairwoman Nancy Nord.
No alleged treachery about it, folks. The Washington Post has a cover story about the intelligence work that Nord and her predecessor, Hal Stratton have been engaged in. These so-called "gift travel" trips – about 30 of them – included missions to China, Hong Kong, Spain, San Francisco, New Orleans and a golf resort on Hilton Head Island, S.C. The sponsors of these missions: Lobbying and industry groups representing businesses that allegedly make products that could be possibly considered dangerous, like toys.
This certainly will drive the toy-haters into a deeper frenzy, of course. But what should scare and shame them is that The Post has destroyed our greatest weapon in the superhuman arms race; Nord wasn't taking these trips for pleasure: These were fact-finding and advocacy missions. Nord was a double agent. Acting as the CPSC chief, she had top-level access here and abroad, and she had our enemies wrapped around her finger, which is sponsored by Fisher Price, so the wrapping had to be done carefully, so as not to obscure the branding. She kept tabs on China's nano-tech army, even as she slyly pushed for them to flood our markets with lead-fortified toys. She knew damn well that enhancing our children with lead would form the foundation of our super-powered soldiers (see related post below), who would be both murderous and easy to control, like freepers.
Now that the stunted cat is out of the proverbial bag (and suffering from kidney failure and ADD), lead consumption could dip to all-time lows, putting the United States roundly behind the Chinese-manufactured 8-ball (it's really cheap). Our future is now in peril, and the one person whose mission was central to our success has been rendered impotent.
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